ITB12/019 - landscape maintenance & works framework

Institute of Technology Blanchardstown

The Institute of Technology Blanchardstown (ITB), together with the Institute of Technology Tallaght (IT Tallaght), Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology (IADT) and Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) invites submissions from competent and reputable Contractors to become members of a Framework Agreement for Landscape Maintenance & Works to the Institutes of Technology.
For the purposes of establishing the Framework, the highest scoring respondents to the Suitability Assessment Questionnaire (maximum 8) will be invited to submit tenders for the Initial Project. The top six tenders from the Initial Project will be invited to become members of the Framework.
The types of works envisaged for the Framework include:
— General Landscape Maintenance,
— Landscape Works (hard and soft) associated with new building works or Campus improvements,
— Maintenance of sports fields and improvements to sports fields,
— Related activities such as roadsweeping and snow removal.
The project proposed as the Initial Project is Landscape Maintenance and Works at ITB. Tenders should note, however, that the Contracting Authority may decide before tendering to change this Initial Project.
The institute of Technology Blanchardtown (ITB) is the Contacting.
Authority Leading this process. The other three Authorities.
(IT Tallaght, IADT and DIT) may participate in the Selection.
Process and may tender separately for individual projects.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-01-15. The procurement was published on 2012-12-06.



Procurement history
Date Document
2012-12-06 Contract notice