Integrated design team services for Newman Joyce Precinct & similar campus facilities

University College Dublin (UCD)

UCD is issuing this notice inviting expressions of interest as the first stage of a two-stage process under the restricted procedure. The purpose of the first stage is to obtain information from applicants to determine their suitability on the basis of financial standing, technical competence and capability and relevant experience to carry out any projects arising under the framework agreement.
UCD proposes to establish a single-operator framework agreement stricto sensu for a fully integrated architectโ€“led design team for Newman Joyce Precinct and similar campus facilities to provide construction related services for concept development, sustainability report preparation, masterplanning, acquisition of statutory approvals with respect to planning, fire certification and disability accessibility certification, detailed design, tender documentation preparation, contract procurement and administration, including site monitoring, cost control, handover, snagging and end of defects liability period reporting, Health & Safety duties and other related services associated with developing University facilities, in accordance with Contracting Authority requirements as specified in the tender documentation. The establishment of a single operator framework agreement will ensure a coherent design and development of campus facilities.
Provided there are sufficient suitably qualified applicants, it is intended that the highest scoring eight (8) applicants at the suitability assessment stage will be invited to tender for a sample project ("the Sample Project") described in the attached documents. The single operator framework agreement will be established on the basis of the highest scoring tenderer in that competition. Contracts for individual projects entered on foot of the framework agreement ("Call-off Contracts") (which shall be governed by the Government standard conditions of engagement for construction consultants as published by the Department of Finance) may be awarded at any time during the term of the framework agreement. It is envisaged that the framework will be for a period of up to 4 years subject to regular reviews and satisfactory performance.
UCD reserves the right to engage the appointed framework contractor (or elements thereof) for other similar type campus-based facilities upgrades and/or developments (for example, office, classroom, library, social and support, teaching facilities etc) over the lifetime of the framework agreement.
The architect-led design team so appointed will be responsible for the design and implementation of development and expansion works as required by UCD. The design team must include the following disciplines/services:
1. Architectural services;
2. Quantity surveying services;
3. Buildings services engineers;
4. Civil & structural engineering services;
5. Fire Safety engineering services.
Note: only those applicants capable of delivering all of the services listed above (whether in-house or as a grouping/consortium) will be considered. Partial applications or applications from individual disciplines cannot be accepted.
Further information regarding the operation of the Framework Agreement can be found in the Information for Applicants document (also available to download To register their interest, applicants are required to complete the suitability assessment questionnaire (available to download from Please see the additional document "Evidence of Technical Capability Criteria" (available to download from for the requirements in relation to technical capacity.
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2012-07-02. The procurement was published on 2012-05-30.



Procurement history
Date Document
2012-05-30 Contract notice
2012-06-08 Additional information