Framewrork agreement for servers (HP Alpha and SUN Sparc) for HSE
The Health Service Executive (HSE) invites submissions from potential service providers for inclusion in a competition for appointment to a Framework Agreement for non-windows servers purchase, maintenance, and optional installation/configuration, for the HSE. Tenderers are requested to express an interest in the following lots:
Lot 1: HP Alpha servers.
Lot 2: SUN SPARC Servers with Oracle.
This invitation to tender specifies this type of servers as the software on which the internal HSE system operates requires this specific hardware; for accreditation and licensing reasons it is not possible for the software to operate on hardware other than the specific makes specified.
The HSE proposes as part of this procurement process to set up a national framework agreement as per EU Directive 2004/18/EC, Article 32. The duration for this national framework agreement will be for a maximum of 48 months. Contracts will be project specific and/or for a fixed term although the HSE reserves the right to extend or renew contracts for ancillary or related services or for additional periods up to a maximum of 24 months.
For full details please see the invitation to tender documentation attached to the Contract Notice on the eTenders web site
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2012-07-26.
The procurement was published on 2012-06-28.
Procurement history
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Contract notice
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