Framework for Capital Works to the Institutes of Technology €500K to €5M ITB12/017
The Institute of Technology Blanchardstown (ITB), together with the Institute of Technology Tallaght (IT Tallaght), Dunn Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology (IADT) and Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) invites submissions from competent and reputable Contractors to become members of a Framework Agreement for Capital Works to the Institutes of technology €500 - €5M. It is intended to select a maximum of twelve Contractors to Tender for an initial project. The top six tenders from the initial project will be invited to become members of the framework.
The types of works envisaged for the Framework include:
General Internal Refurbishment Work (Office, Classroom, Laboratory, Workshops etc); New buildings and extensions to existing buildings; Building Fabric Repairs & Upgrades; Civil Engineering works such as car parks, road works, sports facilities and services; Improvements to buildings and grounds.
; Temporary Accommodation and off-site Construction Solutions; Upgrades to mechanical & electrical services.
The project proposed as the initial Project is Horticulture Infrastructure at ITB which is currently the subject of a Planning Application. Tenders should note, however, that the Contracting Authority may decide before tendering to change this Initial Project. Tenders should also note that there are separate Framework Agreements in place for projects valued at less than 500 000 EUR.
The intention is that each of the Contracting Authorities (ITB, IT Tallaght, IADT and DIT) will hold mini-competitions separately for Capital Works Contracts over the duration of the Agreement. All members of the Framework Agreement will be invited to tender for each contract.
The form of contract for individual projects will be PW-CF5 Public Works Contract for Minor Building and Civil Engineering Works designed by the Employer. Tenders wishing to learn more about this Form of Contract should visit It should be noted that the four contracting Authorities (ITB, IT Tallaght, IADT and DIT) are not bound to use the Framework Agreement for all or any Works and may choose to procure projects outside the Framework Agreement. It should also be noted that the Contracting Authorities may terminate the Framework Agreement at any time at their own discretion. The institute of Technology Blanchardtown (ITB) is the Contacting Authority Leading this process. The other three Authorities (IT Tallaght, LADT and DIT) may participate in the Selection process and may tender separately for individual projects. For the purposes of establishing the Framework, the highest scoring respondents to the Suitability Assessment Questionnaire (maximum 12) will be invited to submit tenders for the initial Works Project with six of these invited to become Members of the Framework following the initial Works Project Tender. Contract award for the initial Works Contract and for subsequent contracts within the Framework will be based on Award Criteria specific to each individual Contract and may vary between contracts. For the initial Contract, the Award criteria will be Contractor’s Price (60 %), Contractor’s Works Proposals (10 %), Contractor’s Management and Supervision Structure (10 %), Contractor’s Programme (10 %) Contractor’s Project Plan / Method Statement (10 %). Subject to satisfactory completion of relevant documentation, the expected commencement date for the Framework Agreement is January 2013. Shortlisted Contractors will be invited to Tender for the initial Contract at ITB at that time. The Institute (ITB) reserves the right not to proceed with the procurement process or any part of it and may terminate the process or any part of it at any time, with or without procuring the Works in another way. If this happens, neither the Institute nor its officers, employees, or advisers will be liable to any Applicant or other person. The Institute does not bind itself to accept any outcome of the process described in these documents and is not obliged to enter into a contract for the Works with anyone.
The attached Suitability Assessment Questionnaire must be complete and returned by interested applicants. This must reach the undersigned no later than 12.00noon on 4th December 2012. Please note due to etender web site update on the second weekend of November, etenders postbox facilities do not work. Please post two hard copies to Secretary Financial Controller, Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, Blanchardstown Road North, Dublin 15.
Note: Envelopes to be clearly marked Questionnaire - Framework for Capital works to the Institutes of Technology €500K - €5M ITB12/ 017. No other tender's identification details to be included on submission envelope. It is the Applicant's responsibility to obtain evidence of delivery to the designated Officer on time. Faxed or emailed Questionnaires will not be accepted.
Please note due to etender web site update on the second weekend of November, etenders question and answer facilities do not work.
Any questions/ queries should be sent to deadline date for questions is 23.12.2012, 12noon.
Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2012-12-04.
The procurement was published on 2012-10-26.
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