Framework Agreement for the Supply of Library Books and Audio Visual Material

Kildare County Council

Kildare County Council wishes to establish a Framework
Agreement for the supply of Library Books and Audio Visual
(AV) Material. There are 7 categories or Lots that tenderers
may bid for namely:
Lot 1: Children's Material
Lot 2: Adult Non Fiction
Lot 3: Adult Fiction
Lot 4: Young Adult Material
Lot 5: Special Requests, Bookclub Titles and Bestsellers
Lot 6: Audio Books and Large Print
Lot 7: Multimedia Material to include CDs, DVDs and
Console Computer Games.
Tenderers may apply for one or more Lots. It is intender to
admit up to three suppliers in each Lot. Tenderers will be
ranked on the basis of the results of this tender
competition. The highest ranked tenderer will be identified
as the preferred bidder. Contracts for the supply of Library
Books and Audio Visual (AV) Material in each Lot will be
awarded using a 'cascade' method.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-02-04. The procurement was published on 2012-12-22.




Procurement history
Date Document
2012-12-22 Contract notice