Castletroy Sewerage Scheme Engineering Consultancy Services (Technical)

Limerick County Council

The agglomeration of Castletroy is located in the southern environs of Limerick City. The existing foul sewerage network serves the Castletroy, Monaleen, Ballysimon, Annacotty, Mountshannon, Lisnagry and Castleconnell areas. The existing sewerage treatment plant is located adjacent to the L1117 Plassey Park Road, University of Limerick, and the National Technology Park.
The existing plant was constructed in the early 1990โ€™s. The current loading on the plant is estimated at 35 000 pe. The sources of this loading are from the residential population, University of Limerick, Commercial and industrial sectors, imported sludges and leachates and pumped loads from Castleconnell and Annacotty. Discharge from the plant is to the river Shannon. The river Shannon is designated both a Special Area of Conservation (Lower river Shannon)) and a Special Protected Area (River Shannon and River Fergus estuaries). The agglomeration was issued a waste water discharge licence by the EPA in April 2009 (EPA ref D0019-01).
General Requirements:
Limerick County Council (the Client) requires the services of a competent Consultant, experienced in major Civil Engineering Works in the field of Wastewater Treatment and Collection, for the Preliminary Report, Design, Contract Procurement and Constructions stages of the proposed Castletroy Sewerage Scheme (Stages (i)-(v) of the DOF Conditions of Engagement).
The main objectives are:
โ€” Examine and recommend improvements to the existing pipe collection network,
โ€” Identify new areas for extension of the collection network,
โ€” Assess the existing treatment plant capacity and recommend improvements required to accommodate current and future loadings, energy efficiency, energy recovery, sludge handling,
โ€” Examine the possibility of a future connection of the Castletroy sewerage scheme to the Limerick City Main Drainage Network,
โ€” Identify improvements necessary to accommodate growth in the National Technology Park,
โ€” Prepare EIS if required following Environmental Impact appraisal,
โ€” Prepare a Public Private Partnership Assessment Report,
โ€” Prepare Contract Documents and implement Improvement Proposals,
โ€” Yield value for money to the Client.
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2012-06-26. The procurement was published on 2012-05-17.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2012-05-17 Contract notice
2013-07-30 Contract award notice