BMKSCH2 - new build post (1 000 pupil) post primary school - appointment 1-architect led design team

Louth County Council

A service level agreement (SLA) between Louth County Council (LCC) and the Department Education & Skills (DES) was signed in January 2012 for the provision of a new build post primary school to cater for 1000 pupils at the Ballymakenny Road, Drogheda Co. Louth.
Louth County Council propose to procure design consultants using the Open Procedure for 2 appointments.
The first of these appointments is for an Architect led Design Team comprising the aforementioned 3 no. services:
1. Architect & Project Manager and PSDP
2. Structural/civil engineer
3. Mechanical & electrical
The second of these appointments is for the quantity surveyor services.
Louth County Council are currently assisting the DES in the identification and procurement of an appropriate site for an additional New Build 16 Classroom Primary School in the Co. Louth area.
It is envisaged that another SLA will be signed by the DES and LCC for the Project Management and delivery of this Primary School in Co. Louth. To assist in the procurement of Consultants for this Primary School in Co. Louth and to allow for other future school projects, LCC propose to establish a framework with the 8 highest ranking Consultants (this procurement for BMKSCH2 will act as the competition necessary for the establishment of the framework).
The Framework will be used for the Ballymakenny Post Primary School and the established framework members will be invited to tender for the Primary School in Co. Louth and possible future schools (if they are to be procured, delivered and project managed by Louth County Council).
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2012-07-30. The procurement was published on 2012-06-19.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2012-06-19 Contract notice
2012-07-19 Additional information
2012-07-19 Additional information
2012-09-20 Contract award notice