Transport Planning Services Framework
Transport Planning Services Framework (Transport, Engineering, Planning and Economics Consultancy Services).
The service requirements to be provided are those transport, engineering, planning and economics services required by the Contracting Authority in connection with national roads programmes.
The contract for these services may provide at the option of the Contracting Authority for amongst other things the following:
โ Highways consultancy services including traffic engineering, transport planning, and planning process statutory requirements,
โ Transport planning and engineering services relating to design of intelligent transport systems,
โ Transport planning and engineering services relating to traffic modelling,
โ Transport economics and general economics consultancy services,
โ Transport planning and economics consultancy services relating to transport demand management strategies including control and fiscal measures,
โ Planning consultancy services relating to spatial planning and provision of expert advice to the National Roads Authority, in its role as a statutory consultee, relating to the preparation by planning authorities of statutory plans,
โ Provision of planning consultancy support to the National Roads Authority including reviewing planning applications notified to the Authority by planning authorities,
โ Project Management services relating to the implementation of traffic management projects,
โ Performance of the role of Project Supervisor Design Process,
โ Demographic studies utilising Census 2011 data, previous censuses and forecasts published by the Central Statistics Office and other bodies,
โ Analysis of national trip end data,
โ Preparation of transport demand forecasts,
โ Maintenance and further development of the National Roads Authorityโs National Traffic Model,
โ Maintenance and further development of the National Roads Authorityโs National Transport Model,
โ Provision of project appraisal support to the National Roads Authority including the preparation of new guidance, as required, in the National Roads Authority Project Appraisal Guidelines and review of project appraisal documentation relating to national road projects.
Further details will be set out in the tender documents to be sent to those applicants selected to be invited to tender.
Firms or individuals may combine to provide these services. Where a tender has been submitted by a group, the Authority may request the members of the group to contract on a joint and several liability basis, as a lead consultant with a number of sub-consultants, or on such basis as the Authority deems appropriate, which basis will be set out in the Invitation to Tender to be sent to those candidates selected to be invited to tender. One member of a group should be identified as the main point of contact during the tender process. Where services are sub contracted collateral warranties will be required.
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2012-01-24.
The procurement was published on 2011-11-30.
The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:
Procurement history
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Contract notice
Contract award notice