Sutherland School of Law main works contract, University College Dublin

University College Dublin

University College Dublin is issuing this Suitability Assessment Questionnaire inviting expressions of interest as the first stage of a two-stage process under the restricted procedure. The purpose of the first stage is to obtain information from applicants to determine their suitability on the basis of financial standing, technical competence and capability and relevant experience to carry out the project.
Suitably qualified applicants will be shortlisted, drawn randomly and invited to tender for the award of the position or positions of contractor for the project described in this and attached documents. Please note it is the intention of the Contracting Authority to use the random selection method to select the first nine (9) Applicants to be brought forward to the second stage, Invitation to Tenderโ€“ provided there are sufficient qualified applicants.
Following a previous tender process (now terminated) UCD is using the accelerated procedure due to the urgency of the project requirements.
Please note this is not a tender document.
To register their interest, applicants are required to complete this Suitability Assessment questionnaires. The onus rests with the applicant to provide all details relevant to the services required. All applicants must provide the information required under the relevant headings, in the spaces provided, and in the format requested. Unless otherwise stated, attachments to this questionnaire are not permitted and will not be considered for the purposes of assessment.
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-07-15. The procurement was published on 2011-06-24.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2011-06-24 Contract notice
2012-04-05 Contract award notice