Secondary analyses of the 5th European Working Conditions Survey — 8 lots

Eurofound — European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

Eurofound intends to contract secondary analyses from the 5th European Working Conditions Survey in 8 lots (8 separate contracts) with the following titles:
lot 1: quality of work and employment in Europe: measurement, results and challenges;
lot 2: working time, work life balance in a lifecourse perspective;
lot 3: well being and health at work;
lot 4: employability and security;
lot 5: working conditions and quality of work and employment in Belgium;
lot 6: work organisation in Europe;
lot 7: work and gender;
lot 8: sustainable work and the ageing workforce.
A description of each lot will be found in the tender specification documents.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-03-03. The procurement was published on 2011-01-14.



Procurement history
Date Document
2011-01-14 Contract notice
2012-02-15 Contract award notice