Restructuring in SMEs

Eurofound — European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

This project aims to contribute to closing the existing knowledge gap concerning restructuring in SMEs. Information on the drivers, means and procedures of restructuring in SMEs and the effects on employment and competitiveness will be investigated.
This is done by applying a combination of desk research (identification, compilation and analysis of secondary data, literature and research findings) and field research (half-standardised qualitative interviews with SMEs that underwent restructuring). While the desk research should cover the whole SME sector, the company case studies will focus on firms with 30–100 employees. The tenderer is required to provide coverage for all 17 countries.
For each of the countries covered, the methodology to be applied in this project consists (next to project management and quality assurance) of 3 parts:
task A: desk research;
task B: company case studies;
task C: reporting.
Outcome of the project will be individual (but half-standardised) country reports, presenting a summary of the secondary information as well as the individual case studies.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-06-07. The procurement was published on 2011-04-20.



Procurement history
Date Document
2011-04-20 Contract notice