Provision of Legal Services to the RSA

Road Safety Authority (RSA)

The RSA is seeking to establish a panel of up to two suitably qualified legal firms to provide legal drafting and advisory services. Tenderers will need to be conversant with the main provisions of Road Traffic and Road Transport legislation as well as procurement and other general relevant legal requirements. Tenderers must be able to demonstrate a proven working knowledge of both Irish and EU legislation.
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-08-26. The procurement was published on 2011-07-12.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2011-07-12 Contract notice
2011-08-05 Additional information
2011-12-20 Contract award notice