Pre-qualification for The R402 Enfield to Edenderry road improvement scheme construction contract
The scope of works includes for the construction of the realigned R402 Regional Road in the county of Kildare between Enfield and Edenderry. The proposed works are predominately an on-line improvement of the existing alignment, and will include: -.
1. The construction of approximately 11 km of two-way single carriageway road;
2. For 8.9 km of the improvement the cross section consists of a 7.3 m carriageway, 2.5 m hardshoulders and 3 m verges
3. For 1.4 km of the proposed improvement the cross section consists of a 7.0 m carriageway and 5.65 m verge incorporating 0.5 m hardstrips;
4. For 0.7 km of the proposed improvement the cross section consists of a 6.5 m carriageway and verges incorporating 0.25 m hardstrips through the townland of Ballyhagan;
5. The construction and realignment of affected side roads along with associated junctions;
6. The construction of a roundabout junction where the proposed road crosses the existing R402 south of Carbury;
7. Site Clearance;
8. Excavations for roadworks and drainage;
9. Embankment construction;
10. Traffic management and temporary diversions of traffic
11. Demolition of dwellings, outbuildings and other structures
12. The provision of safety barriers (temporary and permanent) and pedestrian guardrails;
13. The construction of noise barriers;
14. The construction of drainage, including chambers, drains, filter drains, headwalls, culverts and attenuation ponds;
15. The provision of road markings, traffic signage and lighting;
16. The installation of ducting for statutory service relocations and the diversion of existing statutory services that are affected by the works;
17. Pavement construction, including tie-ins to existing public roads;
18. The construction of boundary walls, fencing and access treatments;
19. Refurbishment works in Carbury Village;
20. Associated earthworks and landscape works; and
21. Accommodation Works
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-08-15.
The procurement was published on 2011-07-06.
Procurement history
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Contract notice