Operational pack rations
The requirement for this contract is to find the most suitable contractor capable of providing the procurement, packing and delivery to the Authority's nominated storage facility for Operational Ration Packs (ORPs).
The current ORPs include 24 Hr ORP, a bag containing 28-35 separate components that will sustain an individual person for 24 hrs in field conditions without a central feeding capability.
The contract requirement is for a 2 year duration. The requirement will be to provide approximately 10 different menus for the 24 Hr ORP.
Whilst the Authority is seeking to outsource the procurement and packing processes, it will retain all high level management in terms of approving the overall contents and nutritional composition of the 24 hr ORP.
The guaranteed annual requirement will be to procure, pack and deliver 5 000 operational ration packs per annum. These are to be broken down into 10 different menus.
Options for quantities to meet unplanned operational demand will also be included and will be advised of in the invitation to tender. The estimated contract value does not include financial values for change in operational demand.
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-05-24.
The procurement was published on 2011-04-08.
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Procurement history
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Contract notice
Contract award notice