Oldcastle Sewerage Scheme

Meath County Council

Meath County Council invites submissions from suitably qualified and experienced contractors who wish to be considered for appointment to construct the Oldcastle Sewerage Scheme. Applicants that are deemed to meet the minimum criteria set out in the suitability assessment documents will subsequently be invited to tender for this project.
The contractor will employ suitably qualified and experienced specialists, i.e. M&E specialist, tunnelling specialist, and archaeology specialist.
The works in general consist of civil and mechanical and electrical works associated with the construction of a new 3 500 p.e. waste water treatment plant and associated access road, upgrading works to the existing Cavan Street pumping station and approximately 3 200 m of 225 mm to 450 mm dia. foul/surface water sewers in the town of Oldcastle.
The following is an outline of the Works to be carried out under this contract:
1. New waste water treatment works.
The works include the construction of a new 3 500 p.e. waste water treatment works (WwTW) located on a new green field site. The associated civil and M&E Works include, but are not limited to the following:
โ€” inlet pumping station,
โ€” inlet works,
โ€” 1 no. storm holding tank,
โ€” 1 no. anoxic tank,
โ€” 2 no. aeration tanks,
โ€” 2 no. secondary clarifiers,
โ€” 1 no. picket fence thickener,
โ€” 1 no. rapid sand filters,
โ€” 1 no. flow measurement chamber,
โ€” sludge press & plant building,
โ€” administration building,
โ€” outfall to nearby river,
โ€” siteworks, roads, landscaping and fencing,
โ€” design, supply, installation & commissioning of M&E equipment associated with the above components.
Upon completion of the new waste water treatment plant, the existing extended aeration 2 000 p.e. plant will be decommissioned and demolished with some plant items dismantled for reuse.
2. Access road:
A new access road will be constructed from the Kilnaleck Road (R154) to the waste water treatment works. The road will be 5,0 m wide and approximately 720 m long;
3. Upgrade works to the Cavan Street pumping station:
The existing Cavan Street pumping station will be upgraded. The works include the following:
โ€” new foul pump sump,
โ€” retain existing wet well and convert to storm pump sump,
โ€” construction of a new emergency storm water holding tank,
โ€” associated siteworks,
โ€” pump by-pass chambers and pump wash down facilities,
โ€” Design, supply, installation & commissioning of M&E equipment associated with the above components.
4. Collection network:
The existing sewerage collection system is to be upgraded. The proposed works include for the following:
โ€” foul sewers: 120m of 225mm dia.; 500m of 300mm dia.; 1,315m of 375mm dia.; 870m of 450mm dia.,
โ€” storm water 370m of 375mm dia.,
โ€” rising mains - 530m of 150mm dia.
HPPE rising main from Cavan St Pumping station.
Approximately 140m of 600mm dia sewer will be constructed using microtunnelling by a specialist tunnelling contractor.
Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=284592.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-09-29. The procurement was published on 2011-08-19.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2011-08-19 Contract notice
2012-10-26 Contract award notice