Marine strategy framework directive tender

Marine Institute

The Marine Institute, a semi state body, wishes to invite tenders for an Outsourced partner to deliver the following specific primary projects, known collectively as the ‘MSFD Projects’:
1. The preparation of a draft Initial Assessment (consistent with Art.8) including proposals for GES (consistent with Art. 9) and proposal for draft Environmental Targets (consistent with Art.10)
2. The collation of relevant information into an Atlas of the Irish Marine Environment
3. The development of an index of environmental and associated indicators
4. The preparation of a summary report (Consistent with Article 19 of the Directive) for use in public consultation
5. The development of a streamlined national reporting system
6. A report outlining proposed recommendations for potential measures and for monitoring status and trends
The Institute wishes to work with the outsourced organization as a partner for a three year period from Q4 2011 to Q4 2014, with the possibility of an extension for a further 1 year giving a total maximum contract duration of 4 years from the date of contract signing. The extension would be at the discretion of the Marine Institute.
The Marine Institute is the national agency responsible for Marine Research, Technology Development and Innovation (RTDI). The Marine Institute seeks to assess and realise the economic potential of Ireland's 220 million acre marine resource; promote the sustainable development of marine industry through strategic funding programmes and essential scientific services; and safeguard our marine environment through research and environmental monitoring.
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) was adopted in June 2008 and transposed into Irish legalisation by the European Communities (Marine Strategy Framework) Regulations 249/2011. The requirements of the MSFD, as set out in the Directive itself and the Good Environmental Status (GES) Decision, are ambitious and will require significant effort on the part of Member States. The basic structure of the MSFD is to determine the current status, in terms of the state of the marine environment and the pressures exerted on it, to compare these to a nationally agreed understanding of GES and, where there is a gap, to put in place the measures to regulate the pressures so that this gap can be closed. The closing of the gap will take time and it is necessary to establish environmental targets to measure and monitor progress towards GES. This process is repeated on a 6 year cycle.
In the first instance the Initial Assessment, the determination of GES for Irish waters and the establishment of environmental targets and associated indicators, are required by July 2012. The development of a monitoring programme (due 2014) and the entry into operation of a programme of measures (due 2016) will be informed by the initial assessment and by GES and the environmental targets. Each element should be viewed as part of the overall cyclical process. Additional scientific and technical expertise is required for the initial phase of implementation and to put in place a MSFD facility to allow subsequent monitoring and assessment to be undertaken.
In acknowledgement of this, the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government, working with the Marine Institute and other government departments and agencies intend to embark on a collaborative programme of work. A national Technical Working Group on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD-TWG) has been established by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government to support delivery of the MSFD.
Central to this programme of work is the delivery of defined data, information, assessment and monitoring assets that, in addition to supporting the ongoing implementation of the Directive, will be available for future and ongoing policy developments in the wider Marine sector such as Marine Spatial Planning, sectoral strategic environmental assessments and resource planning.
The relevant Departments and state agencies, following a detailed review, have determined that the appropriate skillsets to deliver the MSFD projects referred to above are not available within the relevant government departments and state agencies and that the delivery of these skillsets through an outsourced partnership will provide best value to the exchequer. This partnership will be expected to deliver the projects in a professional and comprehensive manner, will have minimal reliance on the Marine Institute, with the exception of the provision of specific data and knowledge transfer.
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-12-09. The procurement was published on 2011-10-28.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:


Procurement history
Date Document
2011-10-28 Contract notice
2011-12-07 Additional information
2012-04-02 Contract award notice