Framework for the Supply of Managed Print Services to the Public Sector

National Procurement Service

Managed Print Services is a service offered by an external provider to optimise or manage an organisations document output. Under a MPS, a service provider takes over responsibility and overall management for meeting the Clients organisationโ€™s office printing and imaging needs, including but not limited to, supplying, installing, servicing, and maintaining of equipment and the supply and the installation of consumables of the printing/imaging fleet. Ownership of the equipment remains with the service provider.
Features of the MPS required are:
a) Pricing โ€“ Contractors will provide all-inclusive pricing based on a single per printed page/image basis invoiced quarterly in arrears.
b) Framework Members and Contractors will have management reporting responsibilities as set out in section 4 of Appendix 1 including;
i) to the NPS on entry to the Framework and during the term of the Framework and
ii) to the Client on execution of a Contract and during the term of the Contract. both Framework and Contract performance.
The establishment of the Framework is intended to maximise volume discounts and provide for reductions in administrative and transaction costs for suppliers and Clients. It is intended that there will be a robust contract management process, which will in particular focus on price to ensure that reductions are being achieved and that the Framework is delivering overall value for money.
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at
The awarding authority has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via a 'Tender Submission Postbox' facility. Further details of this facility are available at
Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. The postbox closes precisely at the time stated.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-09-12. The procurement was published on 2011-07-20.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2011-07-20 Contract notice
2012-02-28 Contract award notice