Delivery of the SKILL Programme for Support Staff in the Irish Health Service
The Health Service Executive invites the submission of tenders for the provision of FETAC accredited training for the SKILL Programme. This project comprises training for the SKILL Programme as 5 separate Lots as follows:
โ Lot A - FETAC Level 3 & 4,
โ Lot B - FETAC Level 5: Health Services,
โ Lot C - FETAC Level 5: Disability Services,
โ Lot D - FETAC Level 6: Award (Advanced Certificate in Supervisory Management Skills),
โ Lot E - Pre-Learning Advice Session (PLAS) (Optional).
It is vital that all programmes commissioned and provided are designed to meet the Further Education and Training Awards Councilโs (FETAC) general accreditation standards at award Levels 3, 4, 5 and 6. In addition, the contracted service.
Provider(s) must submit learners to FETAC for certification following their assessment at all FETAC certification periods (currently four occasions annually).
Tenderers may tender for one, some or all of the Lots indicated. The HSE reserves the right to award a contract, if awarded, to one or more service providers. The Pre-Learning Advice Sessions is an optional element; the HSE reserves the right not to award this element of the lot to the successful Tenderer(s).
Please note the required services are Annex IIB services, and accordingly only articles 23 and 35(4) of the consolidated Public Procurement Directive 2004/18/EC for the award of public service contracts, as amended, apply. Where necessary the HSE reserves the right thereafter to enter into negotiations with suitable service provider.
Please see the Invitation to Tender documentation for full details, available with the Contract Notice published on the etenders website,
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2012-01-16.
The procurement was published on 2011-11-28.
Procurement history
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Contract notice