Balbriggan water supply scheme phase 1 (SLI) network and reservoir (high level)
Summary of main elements watermains: Description location length (m) 450mm Diameter 2313 400 mm Diameter 1123 300 mm Diameter 879 200 mm Diameter 180 All proposed watermains are underground Ductile Iron. Other pipework: the Reservoir Scour Pipe consists of 300 mm - diameter concrete pipe gravity drain 680 m in length. Foul and surface water drainage to the Reservoir and Pumping Station sites comprises 1 131 m of 225 mm - diameter concrete pipe gravity drain. RESERVOIR The proposed reservoir is of the order of 6000 m3. Pumping station: the pumping station and 450 mm - diameter Rising Main is designed to deliver 150 l/s in Stage 1. 2 vertically installed pumps are proposed, to operate in duty/stand-by arrangement.
Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-02-11.
The procurement was published on 2011-01-28.
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