An Post Operational/Marketing Print and Related Services
An Post, established in 1984, operates the National Postal Service, along with an array of money transmission, savings and retail services throughout Ireland. In addition, An Post provides agency services for Government Departments and other bodies.
As a national service provider, An Post services over one million delivery addresses daily and in excess of 1 700 000 customers each week through 1 250 retail Post Office outlets nationwide. An Post has an annual turnover in excess of 800 000 000 EUR.
An Post is seeking submissions from interested parties regarding a range of Operational and Marketing print and point of sale items and fulfilment/distribution services. Interested parties may apply for all LOTs or individual LOTs as appropriate. Interested parties should have demonstrated capability and experience in the specialist areas.
The An Post group includes a number of subsidiaries and associated companies including An Post National Lottery Company, One Direct, Postpoint, An Post Billpost Processing Services Limited, Post Consult International Limited, PrintPost Limited, and The Prize Bond Company Limited.
An Post reserves the right to source the entire requirement (all LOTs) with a single prime contractor or to source each LOT with separate suppliers. An Post also reserves the right to source individual LOTs with more than one supplier if required. It is anticipated that any contract will be for an initial period of up to three years with an option to renew for a further 2 years. An Post may consider the use of reverse auction tools to select suppliers for contract award.
Companies applying will be invited to tender on a LOT by LOT basis - based on the scoring of their questionnaire response in relation to each LOT.
While the tender is split into LOTs, An Post will consider alternative options on how the services can be provided. The specifications will be open to variant offers and An Post will set out the minimum requirements in the tender documentation. An Post reserves the right to source the entire requirement (all LOTs) with a single prime contractor or to source each LOT with separate suppliers. An Post also reserves the right to source individual LOTs with more than one supplier if required.
The various LOTs may be awarded at different stages over the next 12 months. Any volumes contained in this notice are indicative only and An Post reserves the right to change volumes in accordance with ongoing operational requirements.
Where reference is made to any brand name or proprietary product or service this is for reference purposes only and should be interpreted to be accompanied by the words, “or equivalent”.
LOT (1) Operational Stationery.
Operational Print: Mostly 2 to 4 items for all An Post internal operations and retail network requirements including:
— books,
— pads,
— forms (incl NCR stationery),
— other related items.
Bulk print, storage, and weekly fulfilment to An Post network for above.
To include on-site assistance/advice on appropriate material specifications and designs from time to time.
To include customer service, reporting, delivery against KPI’s, volume management and optimisation.
Print management proposals will be considered.
LOT (2) Labels.
Range of Bar Coded and non-Bar-Coded An Post Labels (1 to 4 Colour, mainly permanent adhesive, some non-adhesive) with various designs and die-cutting requirements. (examples include Registered post labels, Express post, parcel post, International registered over labels, Autolynk generic (non barcode), Autolynk registered post (non-bar code). Bag Cage Labels (non adhesive/non barcode).
Scope to include possible bulk print, storage, and weekly fulfilment to An Post network for above.
To include on-site assistance/advice on appropriate material specifications and designs from time to time.
To include customer service, reporting, delivery against KPI’s, volume management and optimisation.
Print management proposals will be considered.
LOT (3) Plastic Pouches/Plastic Envelopes.
Savings & Investment, Security, Passport Express, Mails Marketing, Counter Automation and other operational areas.
Range of Plastic Pouches/Plastic Envelopes and Security Bags/Pouches (printed 2 Colour and up to 5 Colour process), various sizes, mainly LDPE (and other materials), various microns, some with tamper proof seals and thermocromic ink).
Examples include: Passport Express, Security Pouches (Remittance Bags), Savings and Investments Bags, etc.
To include on-site assistance/advice on appropriate material specifications and designs from time to time.
Scope to include possible bulk print, storage, and weekly fulfilment to An Post network for above.
To include customer service, reporting, delivery against KPI’s, volume management and optimisation.
Print management proposals will be considered.
LOT (4) Envelopes (non-plastic).
Range of Printed and Non-Printed Envelopes/Padded Envelopes covering all corporate and operational requirements (1 to 5 colour, various sizes (DL/C4/C5, gummed and self adhesive). To include Manila/White, Window/Non-Widow, Machine Fillable, Bespoke/Specialist.
Scope to include possible bulk print, storage, and weekly fulfilment to An Post network for above.
To include on-site assistance/advice on appropriate material specifications and designs from time to time.
To include customer service, reporting, delivery against KPI’s, volume management and optimisation.
Print management proposals will be considered.
LOT (5) Point of Sale Products/Signage and Related Services.
Range of printed Point of Sale/signage (including Vinyl’s/Decals, Plastic Display Stands/Signs) and other Marketing and operational needs to include: various colour ranges, various sizes, material types, shapes and die cutting, permanent and non-permanent adhesives.
Scope to include possible bulk print, storage, and weekly fulfilment to An Post network for above.
To include on-site assistance/advice on appropriate material specifications and designs from time to time.
To include customer service, reporting, delivery against KPI’s, volume management and optimisation.
Print management proposals will be considered.
LOT 6 Security Print Products.
This includes print items that have security features such as:
— TV licences,
— dog licences,
— post office savings bank books,
— postal money orders,
— payslips,
— P60’s,
— pension declaration forms,
— investment products.
Bulk print, storage, and weekly fulfilment to An Post network for above.
To include on-site assistance/advice on appropriate material specifications and designs from time to time.
To include customer service, reporting, delivery against KPI’s, volume management and optimisation.
Print management proposals will be considered.
LOT (7) Postaim Services.
Logistical, Storage, and Fulfilment Services relating to the An Post Postaim Services which is a service provided to direct marketing customers of An Post to facilitate bulk mails collections and distribution.
The preferred bidder will be asked to provide services relating to the receipt, recycling, storage, and dispatch of mail bags/sacks to An Post customers across Europe.
Storage, and weekly fulfilment to An Post customers for above.
To include on-site assistance/advice on appropriate material specifications and designs from time to time.
To include customer service, reporting, delivery against KPI’s, volume management and optimisation.
LOT (8) Storage and Order Fulfilment Services.
Storage and fulfilment services relating to all of the above LOTs included in this notice and possible other related items: An Post wishes to evaluate proposals from warehouse/logistics only providers relating to the storage and fulfilment services for some or possibly all of the above LOTs.
This would involve separating the product storage and fulfilment services from the printers and sourcing them with one or more specialist warehousing/logistics providers to provide storage, order receipt, and fulfilment/dispatch services as outlined below.
In addition, An Post is interested in submissions relating to its specialist storage and fulfilment requirements for secure products to include value stock, stamps and other similar items.
The services under this LOT involves receiving the printed/finished items from An Post appointed suppliers into storage and providing the following services:
— liaison with an post product suppliers,
— product volume planning and scheduling,
— goods inwards receipt and inspection,
— bulk storage,
— secure storage (separate secure area for some value stock/secure products),
— inventory management and reporting (including minimum stock thresholds),
— order and usage reporting down to customer level,
— Order Receipt and Management (from An Post retail network and operational offices) – including web and/or telephone order receipt,
— weekly or daily order pick, pack, and fulfilment in accordance with strict SLA’s,
— order dispatch and follow-up,
— exception/emergency order management,
— account management and reporting,
— other related services.
Please note:
Responses should be as accurate and concise as possible. No attachments to this questionnaire will be accepted. an post reserves the right to withdraw from the tender process at any time and without any liability.
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at
The awarding authority has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via a 'Tender Submission Postbox' facility. Further details of this facility are available at
Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. The postbox closes precisely at the time stated.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-11-28.
The procurement was published on 2011-10-28.
Procurement history
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Contract notice