Supplier: & Samhoud Nederland BV

One archived procurement

Recent procurements where the supplier & Samhoud Nederland BV is mentioned

2020-03-11   Consultancy Support Services to Enhance Supervisory focus on Behaviour and Culture for the Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank of Ireland)
The Central Bank wishes to partner with a professional third party in relation to behaviour and culture (โ€˜B&Cโ€™) supervision. Initially this will include an internal project to design, develop and implement an integrated supervisory framework for assessing behaviour and culture across the Irish financial services industry. This B&C framework will be aligned and integrated with the Central Bankโ€™s overarching supervisory framework, reflecting both our conduct and prudential mandates. A review of the โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: & Samhoud Nederland BV