Supplier: O'Reillys Sports

One archived procurement

Historically, competing bidders have been Axis Group Ltd, and Oneills Sports.

Recent procurements where the supplier O'Reillys Sports is mentioned

2020-08-26   TU Dublin Branded Sports and Leisure Wear (Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin))
The provision of multiple types of branded sports and leisurewear for the University. Lot 1: GAA Sports Clothing, Lot 2: Branded Sportswear, Lot 3: Branded Leisure Sports Clothing. This competition will result in TU Dublin forming a framework for each lot with a minimum of one suppliers and a maximum of five suppliers per lot. A mini competition will be held on an annual basis. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Axis Group Ltd O'Reillys Sports Oneills Sports