Supplier: Infors UK

One archived procurement

Recent procurements where the supplier Infors UK is mentioned

2018-12-21   LEE583C- RFT for the Supply & Installation of a Bioreactor for Teagasc (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Tenders are sought for the Supply & Installation of a Bioreactor. A 2-5L bioreactor is required for culturing bacteria cells aerobically and anaerobically at temperatures between 2C and 70C. This will be used to investigate; [1] specific bacterial responses at both the phenotypic and molecular level to changes in environmental parameters (eg. temperature, pH, antibiotics/antimicrobials) and [2] anaerobic digestion. The bioreactor must have programmable / instrumental control of temperature, pH, dissolved โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Infors UK