Supplier: IBI Corporate Finance

One archived procurement

Recent procurements where the supplier IBI Corporate Finance is mentioned

2012-12-19   NewERA1 - Appointment to a framework for the provision of (a) Corporate Finance; (b) Accounting & Tax; and (c)... (National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA))
The National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) is seeking to establish a panel of consultants to support its New Economy and Recovery Authority (NewERA) Unit in carrying out its functions. The consultancy services required are to be awarded in three separate lots as follows: i. Corporate finance consultancy services (โ€œLot 1โ€); ii. Accounting and tax consultancy services (โ€œLot 2โ€); and iii. Pension consultancy services (โ€œLot 3โ€). The services required in respect of each of the Lots are described in more โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: AIB Corporate Finance Bank of America Merrill Lynch BDO Citigroup Credit Suisse Davy Corporate Finance Deloitte & Touche Ernst & Young Goldman Sachs Goodbody IBI Corporate Finance Investec Joseph G. Byrne & Sons and IFG Pensco Consortium Kpmg Lane Clark and Peacock (LCP) Mercer PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Towers Watson UHY Hacker Young