Supplier: GE Healthcare UK Ltd

3 archived procurements

Recent procurements where the supplier GE Healthcare UK Ltd is mentioned

2017-04-25   Supply of Laboratory Equipment for the University of Limerick (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Dear suppliers, The Education Procurement Service (EPS) on behalf of the University of Limerick (the ‘Contracting Authority’) invites tenders (‘Tenders’) to this request for tenders (‘RFT’) from economic operators (‘Tenderers’) for the Supply of Laboratory Equipment. Kind regards, EPS Team View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Bruker Uk Limited GE Healthcare UK Ltd Particular Sciences Limited
2015-04-10   Equipment Items To Furnish a Recombinant Protein Expression Suite (Dublin City University (DCU))
DCU wishes to invite Tenders for the supply of the following items of laboratory equipment to furnish a Recombinant Protein Expression Suite in the School of Biotechnology. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Fisher Scientific GE Healthcare UK Ltd Mason Technology Msc