Supplier: Euromedic Ireland

One archived procurement

Euromedic Ireland has historically been a supplier of health and social work services, health services, and medical imaging services.

Recent procurements where the supplier Euromedic Ireland is mentioned

2015-08-27   Provision of Diagnostic Imaging Services (The Adelaide & Meath Hospital, Dublin Incorporating The National Children's Hospital)
The Adelaide and Meath Hospital, Dublin incorporating the National Children's Hospital (AMNCH) intends to invite submissions from companies / organisations with expertise and capability relating to the provision of Diagnostic Imaging to AMNCH. The AMNCH throughout this document will be referred to as โ€˜Contracting Authority (CA)โ€™ or โ€˜Hospitalโ€™ where applicable. Refer to published Tender Documentation. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Euromedic Ireland