Supplier: DHB Architects (JV with Cooney Architects Ltd)

One archived procurement

DHB Architects (JV with Cooney Architects Ltd) has historically been a supplier of architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, architectural and related services, and architectural design services.

Recent procurements where the supplier DHB Architects (JV with Cooney Architects Ltd) is mentioned

2019-06-21   Architect Led Team for the Design and Redevelopment of Abbeylands (Cavan County Council)
Cavan County Council wish to procure an architect led project team for the design of the redevelopment of Abbelylands in Cavan Town. Please refer to tender documents for further details. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Cooney Architects Ltd (JV with dhb Architects) DHB Architects (JV with Cooney Architects Ltd)