Supplier: Cawood Scientific Ltd

One archived procurement

Historically, competing bidders have been Farmeye, and IAS Laboratories.

Recent procurements where the supplier Cawood Scientific Ltd is mentioned

2021-06-04   The Delivery and Provision of the Pilot Soil Sampling and Analysis Programme in accordance with Specified Requirements (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The pilot soil sampling and analysis programme is co-funded by the EU and national exchequer under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2022 (RDP) under Article 51 of the regulation. It will develop a national baseline of soil parameters (and soil health indicators) at a scale immediately applicable on an agronomic level. The national soil sampling will focus on: โ€ข macro- and micronutrients for agronomic advice and water quality risk assessment; โ€ข soil carbon(C) relating primarily improving climate โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Cawood Scientific Ltd Farmeye IAS Laboratories