Supplier: BDP (Building Design Partnership Limited)

One archived procurement

BDP (Building Design Partnership Limited) has historically been a supplier of architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, architectural and related services, and engineering services.

Recent procurements where the supplier BDP (Building Design Partnership Limited) is mentioned

2020-11-16   Architect Led Design and Supervision Team Services for Ramelton Historic Town Centre โ€” A Restorative and... (Donegal County Council)
Donegal County Council proposes to carry out a Town Centre Regeneration Project within the historic commercial centre of Ramelton in the Letterkenny Municipal District. The Ramelton Historic Town Centre Public Realm Scheme is a major integrated and heritage led restorative and transformational town centre regeneration project that provides for a suite of public realm interventions that will be designed to not only transform the physical environment but also to re-establish social purpose and commercial โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: BDP (Building Design Partnership Limited)