Supplier: B.Braun Avitum Ireland Limited

One archived procurement

B.Braun Avitum Ireland Limited has historically been a supplier of health and social work services, health services, and hospital and related services.

Recent procurements where the supplier B.Braun Avitum Ireland Limited is mentioned

2016-12-09   Provision of Contracted Satellite Haemodialysis Unit for HSE South/South West Group (Wexford) (Health Service Executive (HSE))
A previous tender competition, HSE Ref. 2584, has been conducted for a contracted satellite haemodialysis unit in Wexford. The nominated location is subject to a planning appeal with An Bord Pleanala. Following the outcome of this appeal the HSE will review its procurement options and reserves the right to cancel this tender, HSE Ref. 6488, and proceed with the original tender award HSE Ref. 2584. In order to ensure the development of a contracted satellite Haemodialysis service in Wexford, the HSE has โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: B.Braun Avitum Ireland Limited