Supplier: Alan Stratford and Associates

One archived procurement

Recent procurements where the supplier Alan Stratford and Associates is mentioned

2016-05-03   Creation of panel to advise the Commission for Aviation Regulation on price regulation and other economic issues (Commission for Aviation Regulation)
The Commission for Aviation Regulation (CAR) regulates airport charges at Dublin Airport. It invites expressions of interest from economic consultants that would like to be on a general panel from which tenders will be invited to assist the CAR in its role as an economic regulator. This panel will last until 30.4.2020. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Alan Stratford and Associates CAA International Cambridge Economic Policy Associates DotEcon Ernst & Young Europe Economics First Economics Frost & Sullivan Helios ICF International Indecon Economic Consultants PMCA Economic Consulting Steer Davies Gleave Swiss Economics