Supplier: AGB Scientific Ltd

One archived procurement

Historically, competing bidders have been Biostรณr Ireland, Ciga Healthcare Ltd, No award made for this lot, and Sarstedt Ltd.

Recent procurements where the supplier AGB Scientific Ltd is mentioned

2013-07-10   UCC/2013/26 - Provision of Phlebotomy Consumables and Miscellaneous Items (University College Cork (UCC))
UCC is leading a EU-FP7 funded project on โ€œPersonalised medicine for pregnant women: novel metabolomic and proteomic biomarkers to detect pre-eclampsia and improve outcome (IMproved Pregnancy Outcomes by Early Detection) on behalf of 5 other centres across Europe and are seeking to establish a multiple supplier framework agreement under the following lots: Lot 1 - Blood collection. Lot 2 - Laboratory Consumables. Lot 3 - Patient Measurement Tools. Lot 4 - Cyropreservation & Scanning. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: AGB Scientific Ltd Biostรณr Ireland Ciga Healthcare Ltd No award made for this lot Sarstedt Ltd