2023-06-27   Rft for the provision of SAR Aviation Tasking and Co-ordination (SATaC) and SAR Aviation Tasking and Co-ordination... (Department of Transport)
An authorised training organisation (ATO) with an Irish Aviation Authority or equivalent approval certificate to provide to the Irish Coastguard:- * Basic Search and Rescue (SAR) Aviation tasking and Co-ordination (SATaC) courses. * SAR Aviation tasking and co-ordination refresher (SATaC-REF) courses. *Student Manual, Student Evaluations, certification process for each course and a sample programme for each of these courses. *The basic SAR Aviation Tasking and Co-ordination course should be of 2 weeks … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Aerostellar Global ASG Ltd
2021-12-17   Competition for the provision of Irish Coast Guard Aviation Service (Department of Transport)
The Minister for Transport (“the Contracting Authority”) invites economic operators to request to participate in this public procurement competition (“Competition”) for the provision of Rotary and Fixed Wing services for the Irish Coast Guard (the “Services”) described in Appendix 1 of this pre-qualification questionnaire (“PQQ”). Economic operators may request to participate by submitting a response document (“Response”). The elements of the Services which define the minimum requirements are the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Bristow Ireland Limited
2021-04-15   Multi Purpose Motor Launches (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service seeks tender from economic operators for the provision of four 12 m to 15 m multi purpose motor launches. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: FM Marine Services Ltd
2019-08-27   The Supply of Rescue RHIBs to the Irish Coast Guard (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport)
The provision of Rescue RHIBs ranging in size from 7,9 m to 8,5 m to the Irish Coast Guard. View the procurement »
2019-08-02   The supply of Cliff Rescue Equipment to the Irish Coast Guard (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport)
The supply of cliff rescue equipment including ropes, harnesses, compact energy absorbers, non adjustable lanyards, 4-step etriers and adjustable stretcher slings. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Kintbury Ltd T/A 53 Degrees North
2016-09-21   RFT for Provision of Cliff Training and Certification for the Irish Coast Guard (Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport)
The Irish Coast Guard (IRCG) requests proposals from suitably qualified suppliers for the provision of Cliff Rescue Training and Certification, in line with the Coast Guard Climbing System 07/01, to Coast Guard personnel and Units. View the procurement »