Procurements: Radio remote-control apparatus

2 archived procurements

Radio remote-control apparatus have been procured by organizations such as St James's Hospital, and The Office of Government Procurement.

Recent procurements of radio remote-control apparatus in Ireland

2019-11-29   Tender for the Provision of Security Control Room Upgrade, Security Infrastructure and Maintenance (St James's Hospital)
Tender for the provision of security control room upgrade, security infrastructure and maintenance. View the procurement ยป
2017-10-11   Expressions of Interest for the Provision of Nation-wide, Narrowband, Secure, Managed Digital Radio Services (The Office of Government Procurement)
The provision of nation-wide, narrowband, secure, managed digital radio services for voice and data purposes and for the supply of associated devices for any Public Service Body approved by Com Reg to use the MDRS network, or who may be approved by Com Reg in the future and that falls within the list of public bodies listed in the PQQ may drawdown from the Framework Agreement. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Tetra Ireland