Procurements: Parenteral nutrition products

6 archived procurements

Recent procurements of parenteral nutrition products in Ireland

2022-09-09   Single Party Framework Agreement for the Supply of Parenteral Nutrition (Beaumont Hospital)
The Contracting Authority intends to establish a single-party framework agreement with a suitably qualified economic operator for the supply of parenteral nutrition products and related services. Tenderers are invited to consult the Invitation to Tender documentation, available to download from, which contains full instructions regarding the preparation and submission of tenders. View the procurement ยป
2022-04-01   PROVISION OF PARENTERAL NUTRITION (PN) PRODUCTS (St Vincent's University Hospital)
Mentioned suppliers: B.Braun Medical Ltd.
2022-02-07   HSE18269 - Provision of a National Individualised Paediatric and Neonatal Parenteral Nutrition Service (Health Service Executive (HSE))
Provision of a National Individualised Paediatric and Neonatal Parenteral Nutrition (IPNPN) Service View the procurement ยป
2019-08-01   National Paediatric and Neonatal Parental Nutrition (PNPN) Service (Health Service Executive (HSE))
Provision of National Paediatric and Neonatal Parental Nutrition (PNPN) Service to the HSE. Please refer to documentation for further information. View the procurement ยป
2019-07-24   Provision of HP Sports Nutrition Lead Consultant (Sport Ireland)
As directed by the Director of the Sport Ireland Institute, deliver support services to specified high performance sports in the following areas of Sports Nutrition: 1) Deliver strategic leadership of the Instituteโ€™s Sports Nutrition service; 2) Manage the work of other sports nutritionists that may be contracted by the Institute to deliver services; 3) Deliver sports nutrition clinics at the Sport Ireland Institute, Dublin; 4) Deliver onsite sports nutrition support to nominated sports at training camps โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
2015-06-12   Expression of Interest for the provision of a Paediatric Total Parenteral Nutrition Service for the HSE (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The HSE wishes to establish a new contract with suitably qualified Service Provider (s) to support the delivery of a national service for the provision of a Paediatric Total Parenteral Nutrition service in the Republic of Ireland. The required services are Annex IIB services, and accordingly, only Articles 23 and 35 (4) of the Consolidated Public Procurement Directive 2004/18/EC for the Award of public service contracts, as amended, apply to the award of any contract(s) that arise from this process. View the procurement ยป