2013-07-10   UCC/2013/26 - Provision of Phlebotomy Consumables and Miscellaneous Items (University College Cork (UCC))
UCC is leading a EU-FP7 funded project on โ€œPersonalised medicine for pregnant women: novel metabolomic and proteomic biomarkers to detect pre-eclampsia and improve outcome (IMproved Pregnancy Outcomes by Early Detection) on behalf of 5 other centres across Europe and are seeking to establish a multiple supplier framework agreement under the following lots: Lot 1 - Blood collection. Lot 2 - Laboratory Consumables. Lot 3 - Patient Measurement Tools. Lot 4 - Cyropreservation & Scanning. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: AGB Scientific Ltd Biostรณr Ireland Ciga Healthcare Ltd No award made for this lot Sarstedt Ltd