Procurements: Primary cells

2 archived procurements

Primary cells have been procured by organizations such as Bus Eireann/Irish Bus, and Dublin Bus/Bus Atha Cliath.
Historically, suppliers within this area have been Filtration Control, and Qualvecom.

Recent procurements of primary cells in Ireland

2020-05-07   Supply of Lead Acid Consumer Batteries (Dublin Bus/Bus Atha Cliath)
Dublin Bus seeks a suitable contractor for supply of vehicle lead acid consumer batteries for its city bus fleet of approximately 1016 buses (February 2020). Dublin Bus operates a city bus fleet which consists primarily of double deck vehicles with engine sizes between 5 and 9 litres. It also operates two single deck vehicles. The geographical scope of operation is in the greater Dublin city and county area. This contract will be for a term of 3 years with an option to extend for two further 12-month periods. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Qualvecom
2015-12-03   The Provision of Batteries to the Bus Eireann Fleet (Bus Eireann/Irish Bus)
Provision of Batteries to the Bus Eireann Fleet. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Filtration Control