2017-03-13   Road Making Materials (Supply Only) for Local Authorities (Kerry County Council)
The Local Government Operational Procurement Centre (the LGOPC) acting as a Central Purchasing Body (CPB) under the auspices of Kerry County Council is coordinating the establishment of a framework of suppliers on behalf 30 Contracting (Local) Authorities for the supply only of road making materials and ancillary products. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Local Government Operational Procurement Centre
2015-12-22   Tarmacadam & Hard Landscaping to Punchestown Racecourse, Puchestown, Co. Kildare (Punchestown Racecourse)
Tarmacadam & Hard Landscaping to Punchestown Racecourse, Puchestown, Co. Kildare. Includes resurfacing of existing courtyard. View the procurement ยป
2014-08-29   Appointment of a Multi-Party Framework Agreement for the Supply ONLY of Road Making Materials & Ancillary Products... (Local Government Operational Procurement Centre)
The Suppliers that are admitted to the Framework will be invited to participate in mini-competitions by the Contracting Authorities for nominated supply calls. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Details available from LAQuotes by email request