Procurements: The Minister for the Department of Culture, Heritage & The Gaeltacht

One archived procurement

The Minister for the Department of Culture, Heritage & The Gaeltacht has historically been a buyer of architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, architectural and related services, and architectural, engineering and surveying services.

Recent procurements by The Minister for the Department of Culture, Heritage & The Gaeltacht

2017-09-15   Provision of Hydrologist to support The Living Bog, raised bog restoration project 2016 โ€” 2020 (The Minister for the Department of Culture, Heritage & The Gaeltacht)
The Department of Culture Heritage & The Gaeltacht are implementing an EU LIFE co-funded raised bog restoration project (The Living Bog Project) on 12 Special Area of Conservation (SAC) sites across 7 counties. The provision of expert hydrological support is now sought to assist in the development, implementation, and assessment of hydrological monitoring plans relating to raised bog restoration and associated Concrete Conservation Actions. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: RPS Group Limited