Procurements: St.Teresa's Primary School (Balbriggan)

One archived procurement

Recent procurements by St.Teresa's Primary School (Balbriggan)

2020-10-20   Architectural Services for Additional Accommodation for St Teresa's, Balbriggan (St.Teresa's Primary School (Balbriggan))
Architectural services for additional accommodation for St Teresa's, Balbriggan. Description of the project: St Teresaโ€™s P.S. is a primary school under the trusteeship of the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin. Please see attached project brief and schedule of additional accommodation In summary, the project will comprise: Section A: โ€ข 5 classroom 80 m each; โ€ข 2 SET rooms: 15 m each; โ€ข UA toilets 4.5 m; โ€ข 2 staff toilets 3.5 m; โ€ข electrical 2 m; โ€ข data Coms . View the procurement ยป