Procurements: St. Patrickโ€™s School (Kilkenny)

One archived procurement

St. Patrickโ€™s School (Kilkenny) has historically been a buyer of architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, engineering services, and engineering design services.

Recent procurements by St. Patrickโ€™s School (Kilkenny)

2020-02-25   Quantity Surveying Services for Additional Accommodation at St Patrick's Special School, Kilkenny (St. Patrickโ€™s School (Kilkenny))
Quantity surveying services for additional accommodation at St Patrick's Special School, Kells Road, Kilkenny, comprising: โ€” 6 classroom SEN base (total area including walls and circulation 1 170 m). Please see attached the project brief, the schedule of additional accommodation and more details about St Patrick's School contained within the letter of invitation. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Nolan Construction Consultants