Procurements: National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol NACDA

One archived procurement

National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol NACDA has historically been a buyer of research and development services and related consultancy services, research and experimental development services, and research services.

Recent procurements by National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol NACDA

2014-03-25   Population Survey 2014/15 - Drug Use in Ireland and Northern Ireland Drug Prevalence Survey 2014/15 (National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol NACDA)
The National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol (NACDA) Ireland, wishes to commission a fourth drug prevalence survey of households in Ireland. The survey will be conducted in accordance with the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) standards for such studies. The main purpose of the study is to obtain prevalence rates for illegal drugs such as cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine, heroin on a lifetime (ever used), last year (recent use), and last month (current use) basis. Similar โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป