Procurements: Little Angels Special School

3 archived procurements

Little Angels Special School has historically been a buyer of construction work, building installation work, and works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work.

Recent procurements by Little Angels Special School

2019-10-30   Main Contractor for Little Angels School, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal (Little Angels Special School)
Construction of a new 4 428 m single storey special needs school building and all associated site works on a greenfield site at Knockamona, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal for the board of management, Little Angels School. View the procurement ยป
2019-10-09   Pre-qualification for Electrical Services Installations Associated with Construction of Little Angels School,... (Little Angels Special School)
The main contract works which consist of a circa 4 428 m single storey school building on a greenfield site. The building is to provide 20 special needs classrooms, a number of specialist educational, training, recreational and therapeutic rooms, toilets and other ancillary accommodation and the necessary circulation space. In addition 60 car parking spaces, a covered set down area and a variety of external hardsurfaced play spaces will be provided along with all associated siteworks for the development. โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
2019-10-09   Pre-Qualification for the Mechanical Services Installations Associated with Construction of Little Angels School,... (Little Angels Special School)
The main contract works which consist of a circa 4 428 m single storey school building on a greenfield site. The building is to provide 20 special needs classrooms, a number of specialist educational, training, recreational and therapeutic rooms, toilets and other ancillary accommodation and the necessary circulation space. In addition 60 car parking spaces, a covered set down area and a variety of external hardsurfaced play spaces will be provided along with all associated siteworks for the development. โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป