Procurements: Gas Networks Ireland on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries

One archived procurement

Gas Networks Ireland on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries has historically been a buyer of financial and insurance services, banking and investment services, and financial consultancy, financial transaction processing and clearing-house services.

Recent procurements by Gas Networks Ireland on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries

2022-06-28   22/013 - Framework for the Provision of External Audit, Taxation Compliance, Financial, Taxation and Related... (Gas Networks Ireland on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries)
It is anticipated that the Frameworks will cover the following services for a three year period with Gas Networks Ireland and an option to extend, for further periods up to a total maximum of two years at the sole discretion of Gas Networks Ireland. The term of a contract awarded under a framework agreement may extend beyond the term of the relevant framework agreement. Lots 1 and 2 will be awarded as separate single supplier frameworks. Immediately upon conclusion of these single supplier frameworks, โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป