Procurements: Bradan Consulting

One archived procurement

Bradan Consulting has historically been a buyer of transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation, ships and boats, and boats.

Recent procurements by Bradan Consulting

2013-08-08   Bradan102 - Supply & Delivery of a Charter Boat with P5 Licence (Bradan Consulting)
We are seeking tenders for the supply & delivery of a Charter Boat, which must have an Irish 'P5' Licence to carry 12 passengers and 2 crew. Be suitable for charter work, angling, diving, survey, sightseeing etc. The boat must be in good condition (preferably a new build) throughout with good sea keeping capabilities and economical to operate. Purchase will be subject to satisfactory Marine Survey. This purchase is subject to a grant application for funding under the LEADER Rural Development Programme. View the procurement ยป