Procurements: Board of Management of Clifden Community College

One archived procurement

Board of Management of Clifden Community College has historically been a buyer of construction work, works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work, and building construction work.

Recent procurements by Board of Management of Clifden Community College

2011-04-01   New School at Clifden Community School, Clifden, Co. Galway (Board of Management of Clifden Community College)
Construction of a new, part two storey and part three storey school building of ca. 3 900 sq. m., along with a new school entrance and associated internal access roads, parking spaces, landscaping and drainage works including an on site waste water treatment plant, while the existing school is to remain operational. Demolition of the existing school building and associated pre-fabricated classroom structures. Particular Construction Management constraints shall apply due to works adjacent to operational โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป