Procurements: Aviation Skillnet

2 archived procurements

Aviation Skillnet has historically been a buyer of education and training services, training services, and specialist training services.

Recent procurements by Aviation Skillnet

2022-04-07   Level 9 Aviation Leasing and Finance (Aviation Skillnet)
Delivery of a Post Graduate Level 9 Diploma in Aviation Leasing and Finance programme which will lead to the award of a postgraduate qualification in Aviation Leasing and Finance. Initial Contract: Delivery of a Post Graduate Level 9 Diploma in Aviation Leasing and Finance programme over the academic year (September 2022-June 2023) View the procurement ยป
2020-01-14   Tender Request for Training Services 2020 (Aviation Skillnet)
The Aviation Skillnet is dedicated to the aviation leasing and aerospace sectors. We are an enterprise led network that promotes networking within the sectors, we work with companies to grow the skills base and deliver training solutions and professional development programmes that meet the specific needs of the sector. View the procurement ยป